My Dragon-boat Festival In CTTB


My extra lunch- for celebrating Dragon-boat Festival   

 I washed my bowl at the back of kitchen after lunch, and a peacock was spreading out its tail feather. I asked my friend to take a picture for us. 

The day before yesterday I was feeding a peacock.



                My Dragon-boat Festival In CTTB


    I ate some snacks at 10:00 a.m., so I reduced my lunch. When I almost finished my lunch, I saw somebody passed by my side with a dumpling ( tsung-tzu )  in her bowl. It reminded me of Dragon-boat Festival. Oh, Today is Dragon-boat Festival!

    I looked the food table at once, fortunately there were several dumplings in a  dish. I took one and a bowl of soup. I ate slowly to enjoy it. This is the way I celebrated Dragon-boat Festival In CTTB.