A Spiritual Journey


The poem“White Universal”: written by Venerable Master Huan Hua


 After reciting the Buddha Sutra, people go outside to expose the sunlight

(It’s quite cold in the morning.).

There is a huge tent for the Shakyamuni Buddha’s Birthday Assembly.

My sweet home in CTTB.

I like strolling along the path in the woods.

A cultivator is meditating in the woods.

The shoes will lead me to Ultimate Bliss.


                A Spiritual Journey


Being a 30-year Buddhist, I have never studied buddhadharma (佛法). diligently in the past.  However, to be a cultivator has been my dream for a long time.

When my mother gave me a gold ring as 50-year-old birthday gift last year (a custom of my family), I decided to fine someplace to cultivate myself further.  Then I thought of CTTB, I lived there six months in 1996.  CTTB is a monastery, an ideal sage city for cultivation, therefore I applied for a volunteer work to CTTB last year.

I am here right now, this sage city.  I look myself a pilgrim, and it’ll be my “Spiritual Journey” in CTTB for next half year.  The phrase “Spiritual Journey” is borrowed from my friend I-Dan (a volunteer too) when American customer officer asked her why she came to the U.S.A. , she answered this to him:  This is my “Spiritual Journey”!

 What a wonderful journey!

I usually spent several hours in watching TV or sitting in front of computer everyday at home.  But in CTTB, there is neither TV nor computer.  I recite Buddha Sutra, sit in meditation and read some books which were written by Venerable Master Huan Hua.  Of course, I also do my volunteer work (a kitchen-maid) around 5 hours one day.

I enjoy the life in CTTB, busy but happy!

I realize : Where is calm for you, where is home of you!

Wish myself becoming a real cultivator!


***The Translation of “White Universal”:

White Universe

                                                         by Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua


Ice in the sky, snow on the ground.

Numberless tiny bugs die in the cold or sleep in hibernation.

In the midst of stillness you should contemplate,

and within movement you should investigate.

Dragons spar and tigers wrestle in continual playful sport;

Ghosts cry and spirits wail, their illusory transformations strange.

Ultimate truth transcends words;

Not thought about or talked about, you ought to advance with haste.

With great and small destroyed, with no inside or out,

It pervades every mote of dust and encompasses the Dharma Realm,

Complete, whole, and perfectly fused, interpenetrating without


With two clenched fists, shatter the covering of empty space.

In one mouthful swallow the source of seas of Buddhalands.

With great compassion rescue all,

Sparing no blood or sweat, and never pause to rest!