我的法緣 ( My Dharma Conditions)







                 我的法緣 ( My Dharma Conditions)



My name is Yi-lan Kang, coming from Tamsui (fresh water), Taiwan .  I am currently a volunteer at the CTTB.  Now I would like to share my dharma conditions with the great assembly, in two sections:



Firstly, I would like to share with you my causes and conditions for learning Buddhism.  I touched Buddhism during my first year in college.  I participated in the Buddhism Association (the Middle Way Association of the National Taiwan Normal University ) and started from learning the terminologies of Buddhism.  Sometimes I joined retreats following with the seniors, but not very vigorously.  Later on, I also participated in some other associations, began to experience a variety of university life.  After graduation, I was busy with works, got married, and had a child.  Even though I always claimed to be a Buddhist, my attitude was very negative, and only took part in dharma assemblies by enthusiastic friendsrepeatedly invitations.



In recent years, there are many dharma propagations broadcasted in TV channels, then those channels became the means for me to study the Buddhism.  Summary speaking, my attitude with regard to the Buddha dharma is that I neither accept nor reject it.



The second thing that I would like to share with you is my causes and conditions with the sagely city.  In 1995, my husband went to study in South Africa, me and our daughter went there too and whole family stayed together for 1 year.  Our daughter went into an English primary school and received education there.  Since I felt that Western education was more active indeed, therefore I hoped that my daughter could have the opportunity to study abroad.  Coincidentally, we were told that the sagely city had both primary and secondary schools, and needed volunteer teachers too.  Therefore me and my daughter came to the sagely city together after my husband finished his study in South Africa.  But I was mainly teaching during that year and did not make myself progressed in studying Buddhism.  That was "I came to the jewel mountain, but did not know that I was at the jeweled mountain." After our six months visa expired, we went back to Taiwan eventually.



Time passes imperceptibly, more than a decade flew away rapidly like smoke.  Last year, I marked my 50th birthday.  I was thinking about what Confucius said: "at the age of 50, I know heaven’s decree."  I thought it will be a good time for me to practice.  During past few years, I’d been unemployed but even busier than working people.  Since there are many associations and organizations in Taiwan, those who have nothing to do can often learn more useful skills.  Those kind people take part in everything. leading a very busy life, but finally satisfied with nothing.


 剛好,我的女兒八月來美國讀書,我就想也找個地方好好修行,這個地方還必須讓別人不方便找到我。於是我上網東看西看,竟然我就上了聖城的網站,上面說2009年有三十週年慶,法會特別多,需要大量義工,我就偷偷以e-mail 聯絡,等聯絡好才告知親友,親友一陣嘩然,覺得我頭殼壞去,怎麼會跑那麼遠去修行?我想一趟車兩趟車就能回到家的地方,對我這種根器差,又多年在紅塵浮浮沉沉的人,肯定是不好修行,要嘛就走遠一點。反正也不知是什麼力量,讓我堅持下來。

Coincidentally, my daughter came to study in the United States in August. then I also started to plan to find a good place to cultivate myself.   Such a place must be inconvenient for others to find me.  So after checking randomly on the Internet, I came across the sagely city’s website.  It stated that for the 30th anniversary celebration in 2009, there would be many dharma assemblies and that they would particularly need a large number of volunteers.  Then I contacted the CTTB via e-mail without informing friends and relatives until all the arrangements were made.  They were all surprised by my decision (seething with indignation) and felt that I must be insane, and questioned that why should I go so far away to cultivate myself?  But I felt that a place that is just one or two bus stations far away from home would not work for me, for I am of such poor and inferior faculties, and have been drifting along in the mundane world for many years.  I might as well travel further. Anyway, there was some kind of unknown force made me persevere.



Unfortunately, after the arrangements made, the airplane ticket booked, and prepared to come in this January, my mother fell severe sick in last November 21st and was transferred to the intensive care ward in a short time, then our torment days began.  I told Linhshe lives in CTTB about my mother’s sickness, Linh instantly told me to recite the Earth Store sutra for my mother. Though I had not been vigorous, I began to recite the Earth Store sutra sincerely.  My mother was already 89 years old.  Until then, she had been quite healthy and very independent.  My brothers would not let her live by herself, so she lived with my brothers alternately.  She was unhappy and her health deteriorated rapidly.  I had neglected her since I was busy with outside affairs.  With heart-felt guilt, I visited her at the hospital everyday.  She repeatedly said she would not get well and wished to return home.  Sensing that it would be really hard for her to fully recover from her illness, she said that she had lived enough and did not fear death.  I did not have the heart to see her suffer.  However, once the doctors insert a tube into her body, they will not pull it out easily unless the situation has improved.



Every time when I went to the hospital, my mother was always looking at me with painful and begging eyes as if saying that since I always supported her in the past but why I left her to suffer in the hospital this time?  I told her frankly that if she wanted to return home and pass away peacefully, she must be recovered enough for pulling out the tubes.  She nodded.  Now this may sound miraculous, but after I began reciting the Earth Store sutra for my mother, her physical condition improved day after day. Even the doctors were very surprised.  Finally the doctor pulled out all the tubes.  Subsequently she was discharged and returned home.  Then passed away few days later.


Another miracle is that my mother did not understand the Buddha dharma when she was alive.  She was also against me being a vegetarian and abstaining from eating meat.  After she passed away, she informed me through a relative who possesses psychic powers that she wanted me to hold a Buddhist ceremony for her funeral.  Unfortunately, that relative came late, and my elder brother had engaged Taoists and had performed the first funeral service.  However, we came to a compromise, so we performed Buddhist and Taoist ceremonies in turn, since we had to do several ceremonies.  That relative told me that my mother had mentioned that my recitation had greatly helped her, and she had less suffered because of it.



My elder brother lives in Sanzhi. And it rains a lot there in the winter.  Fortunately, every time the ceremonies held for my mother, the sky would clear up, even though it had been raining hardly the night before.  On the day of her final funeral ceremony, her remains were be sent to Keelung for cremation.  Keelung is known as the rainy harbor and it is rare not to rain in the winter.  There was a cold current just the day before the funeral ceremony, it was extremely cold.  But on the day of the funeral ceremony, the sky turned out to be sunny.  As I closed my eyes and rested in the car, a dragon seemed to appear before me, followed by magnificent pavilions. I thought my mother must have gone to a very good place.


So, my recitation helped my mother when she was seriously ill.  After her passed, her request for the Buddha dharma also helped me.  I firmly resolved to find a good place to cultivate.  Relatives and friends by now could understand better why I had to go far away to cultivate.  I came to the sagely city in April, and my mother had sufficient blessings to encounter the rare transmission of precepts for the deceased. I am ashamed to say that I did not understand the significance of the precepts for the deceased. I did not intend to help her receive the precepts. But two days before the application deadline, I seemed to feel her presence. When someone reminded me that she wanted to receive the precepts, I sent in the application.  After the registration, I felt that she was very happy.



As for me, before I came to the sagely city, my fellow cultivator (spouse) told my daughter secretly that I might pack up and go home in less than three months.  Why he thought so because I did not normally do much exercise and could not endure bitterness. On top of that, I am used to being very carefree.  How could I bear the disciplined way of life of a Sanghan?  I used to wake up from my sleep naturally.  In addition to eating three meals a day, I would take morning tea, and afternoon tea with some snacks.  Everyday I would also have fun with our pet cats and dogs.  Computers and television are the necessities of my life.  So he assured that I would not stay very long.  I didn’t have much confidence either, but I would not give up without any try. I did not expect that on the whole I would adapt very well. In the very beginning, there was a slight lag. If I came for morning recitation, I would be drowsy and would constantly yawn. Physical work is somewhat tiring for me. My back gets sore easily. This reminded me that I needed to train harder. To endure suffering is to end suffering! Fortunately, I am in very a good mood. I eat and sleep well and my body mind has grown rapidly. Whenever I am free, I read the Venerable Master’s instructional talks or recite the sutras.  I do not think of watching television. It is inconvenient to use a computer here, and when it is necessary, I borrow one. Life is so simple that I am always filled with dharma bliss. I told my spouse: “Home is just peace of mind.” I have broken the evil curse of "packing up and going home in less than three months."


    聖城的確是寶山, 我想我這一次不會再空手而回了。雖然無緣親炙上人的教誨,但走在聖城,我感覺每一吋土地,或是一草一木,都有上人的精神在。



     The sagely city is indeed a jewel mountain.  I don’t think I will return home empty-handed this time.  Although I missed the teachings of the Master in person, walking around the sagely city, I feel that every square inch of land and all the vegetation have the spirit of the Master.
    I must thank
the Sanghan community for giving me this opportunity.  I will continue my treasure hunt.

     Thank you!