Where have all the peacocks’ tails gone?


1        Was and Now!

1        Listen to them-1

Listen to them!-2

I’m dancing!

Peahen and baby peacocks

Guess—Am I a peacock or a peahen?              

               Where have all the peacocks’ tails gone?


Around 20th  June, I rode my bike on the road and found some long colorful feathers shining on the ground.  Those feathers belonged to peacocks.

The peacocks’ tail feathers dropped in Summer, and their body seems smaller than what they were.  Peacocks look a little bit like the peahens now.

I found peacocks like to walk and stay alone when they have long tail feathers, but they are able to get together right now.

I also found some peahens with baby peacocks. The baby peacocks are very cute. expect they grow new feathers again.  I am wondering to know how the long tail feathers grow.  Besides, I miss the colorful folding screens showing in CTTB.